Everyday all living beings on Earth share one home, our miraculous planet. Sharing loving-kindness (Metta) is natural for us. We can make it a daily practice to celebrate our connection to one another and to the Earth. Thank you to U.C. Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center for the following Metta practice.
To prepare, sit in an upright, comfortable position that supports you in being alert. Take three full breaths and settle. Invite your body to relax and your attention to focus on your breath or on the the sensations of a chosen anchor (hands or whole body).
You can adapt this practice to send loving-kindness to…a loved one, a friend, a “neutral” person who you see often but don’t know well, or to a “difficult” person who gives rise to challenging feelings or emotions. (Please see previous loving-kindness blog posts.)
Sending Loving-Kindness to All Living Beings
Now expand your awareness and picture the whole globe in front of you as a little ball.
Send warm wishes to all living beings on the globe, who, like you, want to be happy:
Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health.
Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health.
Just as I wish to, may you live with ease, happiness, and good health.
Take a deep breath in. And breathe out. And another deep breath in and let it go. Notice the state of your mind and how you feel after this meditation.
When you’re ready, you may open your eyes.